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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

All of us are blessed to have good working ankles. After every ankle sprain, I am reminded of how thankful I am to be whole and in good working condition. The post-swelling wrinkled skin on my left ankle is enough to make me want to slather on moisturiser religiously every night. I'm glad glad glad I can walk fairly properly now, albeit with the help of stair rails, and no jumping or running or even any form of power walking. So last weekend was spent walking leisurely around buying CNY deco stuffs, and I mean real leisurely because I can only stroll :)

We threw 2 small housewarming parties last week, one for good friends, one for KF's colleagues. The good thing about these parties is that you get to use all your new utensils and dishware and stuffs. And then you get to clean the house all over again. It's good to move to a new house before CNY, no major spring-cleaning required ;)

I cannot wait to be up and about to go shopping! I want a new handbag, a new wallet, new shoes (albeit flat ones, no heels this time), new clothes, new lotsa stuffs. Haha. Post-bonus spending. Not that it was much. But enough to buy myself some new things, because I've always been the kind who spends (and gives out) all her bonus.

Back to work *jaded sigh*

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