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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beverly Hills Chihuahua

I can't figure out if Joey Yung copied her famous "Chi-wah-wah" dance tune from this movie - or Disney copied it from her. Anyway, this was a cute doggie movie. I'm not a chihuahua fan, didn't turn one at the end of the movie. It was pure popcorn - you don't need to watch the movie, but it's fun to watch it anyhow. Plus, this is the first movie I've seen Piper Perabo in since Coyote Ugly.

I loved the good-looking dogs, gawked at the Beverly Hills extravagance (dropping your dog for a luxurious dog salon appointment for 2 hours?), laughed at the cluelessness of a spoilt chihuahua (Drew Barrymore did manage to make Chloe sound quite annoying after a while), and think that German shepherds do make the most authoritative-looking guard dogs.

But most of all, I liked the end message :

"If you are adopting a pet, be sure you are ready for a lifetime commitment and research your choice carefully."

Can't believe I'll be in that town in a few days' time! Muahahahaha ...!!! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not sure about the lifetime commitment...but i'm pretty sure it'll scar the owner pretty horrendously when the time comes. therefore, think...and think...and go on thinking. LOLOL

eh watch marley and me d?!?!