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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


How many zeroes are there in 1 billion?

I resorted to ever-trusty Google, where you find answers to questions you never thought of before, and then some.

I found that there's apparently TWO versions of how much a billion is. (This is just so wrong, how can maths and figures be so subjective?)

Apparently, the UK version says 1 million million = 1 billion.

The US version says 1 thousand million = 1 billion (9 zeroes).

The worldwide-accepted figure is, I found out, the US one. After all, if a billionnaire has to have a million of a million pounds, then the high and mighty US billionnaires would just be reduced to mere millionnaires and billionnaires just won't exist, would they?

By the way, there isn't a Malay word for billionnaire, is there? Do we have a Malaysian billionnaire - US version?

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