Drove to the house, did the laundry, set the Robomop running, then went out for lunch with JC. Saw so many handbags I wanted to get - Liz Clairborne, Coach, Elle (I just love throwing names). But I just couldn't bring myself to fork out RM399 for a mere handbag :P Primavera's also having sale, but the pair I wanted wasn't on sale, would have cleaned me by RM178 if I had bought it. When we got home, my little puppy was already asleep in one corner, having run out of batteries. But my good little puppy had already done its job well before falling asleep - so cute :)
So after that I went home to pick my sister up. And we headed to True Fitness Jaya33 to sign up for a Gold Membership. Yes, GOLD! Which basically just means a 3-year membership - which will last me until June 2010! I had to swipe 2 credit cards to pay, because one alone didn't have enough credit. Anyways, they gave us a 1-month free membership, a cool (but too small for my gym usage) sling bag with 2 nice white towels and a water bottle, a car sunscreen, and 6 personal training sessions. The place is funky. At the reception area, they have these 2 "infinity walls" which have little lights that light into the horizon, as though the walls were 100m deep. But there wasn't anything else left to see. The place is due to be open in May, but nothing's confirmed. My 12-month installment payment, however, starts ticking from today. Hah. But 's alright. I'm looking forward to Bodycombat, Bodystep, and maybe starting on Bodybalance, BumsLegsTums, maybe some Jazzercise or some dance class I won't look so klutzy in - like line dance maybe ;P
We then headed to our regular book rental place in Amcorp, to replenish supply of my nightly bedtime fixes. Restocked up on my contact lenses. Stumbled upon this cute shop that was on sale - so I bought 5 pieces of clothes for less than RM200 - boy am I so proud of that :)
And then, the highlight of my weekend - besides that accidental shopping that I did - I went and poked holes in my ears! Argh! My sister dragged me there. She just told me to quit procrastinating and just get it done. I've been wanting to, cos I want to look pretty and all with danglys. But never got round to it, cos I love my prawns and seafood. I did it at PohKong in Amcorp for RM20. Got cute little gold star studs. It was painful when they tembus-ed the lubang - gosh. I almost wanted to run away from my seat when she prepared to tembus the 2nd hole. An almost traumatic experience. It felt like I had stapled my ears. And I didn't want to look at my ears after that, because I was kinda feeling regret. Felt like that for about half an hour. Now, at almost bed time, my ears don't feel painful anymore, but I can feel those studs there. Okay, I'm complaining when I shouldn't be, because little 5-year-olds don't make such a fuss when they get their ears pierced. Well, I like to be attention-seeking. Hah. The dear cannot wait to come back and see my latest stunt-that-I-pulled-while-he's-gone. But he says he's happy I did it - so, I'm happy too :) And I kinda like how they look - so cheap thrill la me :)
Okay, I got a very heavy-duty week ahead at work. I brought back work but never completed it this weekend, so I do believe that the coming 2 weeks are going to be rough and tough.
But it doesn't matter - cos I went shopping and got my ears pierced! Ah, it's fun to be a bimbo once in a while :)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My new puppy
- Cleans the house when you push it
- Runs around the house unsupervised, but you can bet it won't pass motion anywhere at all
- Can be picked up to go quietly from room to room
- Collects dustballs and hair - stuff you don't get if you merely sweep
- Doesn't get in your way at all
- Works diligently until you tell it to stop
- Does not know how to guard the house at all as it makes absolutely no sound
- Doesn't require feeding, nor bathing, nor any visits to the vet
My newest best friend and playmate :
I snitched the picture from somewhere off Google (I've got no wood floors at home, and my actual unit doesn't have the same words at the side). In fact, mine doesn't have the 2 buttons on the ball. Mine's merely an off-on switch and a charging outlet. But, it suffices to do its job. Cost me RM90 - which I felt was kinda a rip-off when I saw the actual thing. But after putting it to work, I'm satisfied with my new "puppy" :)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
True Fitness
The place in Jaya33 is still under construction. So you have to trudge through some mud (dry or wet depending on the weather) in order to reach the gleaming purple reception area. We were met by the general manager. My sis asked to use the bathroom first, but apparently the bathroom's still not ready! So we had to trudge back across the road to McD's and decided to tell the GM to come across to meet us instead.
So, no, we didn't get to tour the facilities. Probably will do that before we sign up, if we sign up.
The fees are exorbitant. Apparently, the fees are about RM159/- or RM199/- per month. Like hello! And they charge 5% service tax on top of that - madness. And RM500/- joining fee, and RM125/- processing fee. Complete nonsense. I was about to tell the GM not to waste his time.
But then, after numerous different packages, he finally gave one that seemed agreeable. The best package offered was apparently the Couples or Family Package. It works out to about RM92.60 per person per month, if I join with my sister. That's for a 3-year membership (with an additional 1-month free), but payable within a year in monthly installments of RM278/-. For everyone else in our family who joins thereafter, their membership fees will be RM67.10 monthly for 3 years, also payable in a year.
They'll have a pool, and they're open every day of the year from 6am - 12 midnight. Parking is RM1.50 per entry. They'll also have a True Spa, of which steam bath, sauna, jacuzzi is free for all members but massage, facials, etc are payable.
My skeptic thoughts:
- What if I change jobs and no longer work nearby? 3 years is a VERY long time.
- How clean will the pool be?
- What kind of money-back guarantee do I get? In terms of satisfaction of facilities offered.
But, in 3 years, I can actually:
- Strive to be one of those instructor's "pets", the kind of person who memorizes every single step and does every action as well as, or even better than, the instructor
- Swim more often than I've ever done
- Finally stretch and lengthen those muscles to look leaner and taller by attending numerous yoga and Pilates classes (their in-house trainers are all from India)
I think I need to go dream in my bed instead :P Lofty idealism of achieving that great body, that healthy glow - haiyor, so superficial! But then, I'd rather like to wear a strapless dress and not look like the dress is wrapping me instead. And I'd like to get control of my hip size before other factors make it out of my control. And most of all, I miss feeling healthy and fit.
I haven't signed up yet. Sleep on it first.
So, no, we didn't get to tour the facilities. Probably will do that before we sign up, if we sign up.
The fees are exorbitant. Apparently, the fees are about RM159/- or RM199/- per month. Like hello! And they charge 5% service tax on top of that - madness. And RM500/- joining fee, and RM125/- processing fee. Complete nonsense. I was about to tell the GM not to waste his time.
But then, after numerous different packages, he finally gave one that seemed agreeable. The best package offered was apparently the Couples or Family Package. It works out to about RM92.60 per person per month, if I join with my sister. That's for a 3-year membership (with an additional 1-month free), but payable within a year in monthly installments of RM278/-. For everyone else in our family who joins thereafter, their membership fees will be RM67.10 monthly for 3 years, also payable in a year.
They'll have a pool, and they're open every day of the year from 6am - 12 midnight. Parking is RM1.50 per entry. They'll also have a True Spa, of which steam bath, sauna, jacuzzi is free for all members but massage, facials, etc are payable.
My skeptic thoughts:
- What if I change jobs and no longer work nearby? 3 years is a VERY long time.
- How clean will the pool be?
- What kind of money-back guarantee do I get? In terms of satisfaction of facilities offered.
But, in 3 years, I can actually:
- Strive to be one of those instructor's "pets", the kind of person who memorizes every single step and does every action as well as, or even better than, the instructor
- Swim more often than I've ever done
- Finally stretch and lengthen those muscles to look leaner and taller by attending numerous yoga and Pilates classes (their in-house trainers are all from India)
I think I need to go dream in my bed instead :P Lofty idealism of achieving that great body, that healthy glow - haiyor, so superficial! But then, I'd rather like to wear a strapless dress and not look like the dress is wrapping me instead. And I'd like to get control of my hip size before other factors make it out of my control. And most of all, I miss feeling healthy and fit.
I haven't signed up yet. Sleep on it first.
Maybe I'll blog more this week
It's weird having a whole weekend solely to myself. Not that it does belong only to me (the weekend I mean), I share it with stacks of reports waiting to be drafted. (I got one report opened in front of me but aih, you know, when I face the screen at home, I tend to prefer blog-surfing and blogging and surfing to travel sites and daydreaming of places I'd like to be in, compared to hunching over a report).
Just cleaned house and cleared that patch of land supposedly called a garden. Amazing how a house collects dust even when you don't live in it much. I didn't know that the kitchen counter and the stove and the top of the fridge and the TV cabinet could gather that much dust - in a month! Also, the washing machine is an amazing invention - makes life so easy. Tonight, I'm meeting some eBay seller who is selling the Robomop at about 30% off the market rate (not that I've seen the Robomop being actually sold in retail shops yet here). Hopefully, this Robomop becomes another "amazing invention" that I'll love and treasure like the ever-dependable washing machine.
And about that "garden". I intended to get quotes to plant proper grass in the garden. So far, one quote says RM500 - I balked. For that small 8' x 10' plot of land??! But apparently, it takes lotsa effort to dig out the top layer of lallang roots, then put a fresh fertile layer of soil, before planting the grass. Even the grass itself, I dunno what to choose. The no-need-to-be-trimmed kind sounds wonderful, but it doesn't look as nice as the golf grass and apparently has lotsa worms. The golf grass needs to be constantly trimmed and watered and stepped on. Yah, believe it. Apparently the golf grass becomes yellow and dies if no one steps on it. Like, huh? What happened to "dilarang memijak rumput"?
Was reading Men's Health mag (the Singapore one) while waiting for the mopped floor to dry. That magazine has cool savvy articles. So many tips on how to manage anger, how to get that toned body, what nutritions to munch on, how to cinch that girl in 10 minutes, haha. Much more interesting to read than Cleo or Female or other such nonsense. Or maybe, Cleo is also interesting for guys? Maybe the genders should switch mags.
The other half left yesterday to the exotic paradise of Turkey and Greece, which includes the much-famed Santorini Island. Another 11 days before he returns. By then, the bedsheets should be changed, the clothes ironed, the bathrooms cleaned, and the house smelling all clean and nice - it's amazing how little time a guy can find to keep house.
Meanwhile though, I'm throwing myself into work. The office is short of staff and suddenly overloaded with work, which explains my lack of inspiration to blog (excuses, excuses, tsk tsk).
I'm checking out True Fitness in Jaya33 later in the evening. Heard there's going to be a pool there, with a yoga studio and a spa area. I'm enticed. I am. I miss Bodycombat and Step. And it's way boring using the eliptical and running around by myself at home. Although I'm one of those klutzes who throws the group's harmony of actions out of sync, I still liked those classes. I liked that my cheeks become pink although I sweat like a pig and look disgusting with matted hair after a workout. And I sort of like the aches I suffer the next day (I grumble and groan but I press the aching place harder like how you'd do an ingrown nail, haha). But actually, most of all, I'm looking forward to a pool nearby. Hopefully it'll be maintained properly. I'll check out the gym and write a review on it later, with its package rates and all if I can.
Now, back to drafting reports. Let's see how long my attention span lasts.
Just cleaned house and cleared that patch of land supposedly called a garden. Amazing how a house collects dust even when you don't live in it much. I didn't know that the kitchen counter and the stove and the top of the fridge and the TV cabinet could gather that much dust - in a month! Also, the washing machine is an amazing invention - makes life so easy. Tonight, I'm meeting some eBay seller who is selling the Robomop at about 30% off the market rate (not that I've seen the Robomop being actually sold in retail shops yet here). Hopefully, this Robomop becomes another "amazing invention" that I'll love and treasure like the ever-dependable washing machine.
And about that "garden". I intended to get quotes to plant proper grass in the garden. So far, one quote says RM500 - I balked. For that small 8' x 10' plot of land??! But apparently, it takes lotsa effort to dig out the top layer of lallang roots, then put a fresh fertile layer of soil, before planting the grass. Even the grass itself, I dunno what to choose. The no-need-to-be-trimmed kind sounds wonderful, but it doesn't look as nice as the golf grass and apparently has lotsa worms. The golf grass needs to be constantly trimmed and watered and stepped on. Yah, believe it. Apparently the golf grass becomes yellow and dies if no one steps on it. Like, huh? What happened to "dilarang memijak rumput"?
Was reading Men's Health mag (the Singapore one) while waiting for the mopped floor to dry. That magazine has cool savvy articles. So many tips on how to manage anger, how to get that toned body, what nutritions to munch on, how to cinch that girl in 10 minutes, haha. Much more interesting to read than Cleo or Female or other such nonsense. Or maybe, Cleo is also interesting for guys? Maybe the genders should switch mags.
The other half left yesterday to the exotic paradise of Turkey and Greece, which includes the much-famed Santorini Island. Another 11 days before he returns. By then, the bedsheets should be changed, the clothes ironed, the bathrooms cleaned, and the house smelling all clean and nice - it's amazing how little time a guy can find to keep house.
Meanwhile though, I'm throwing myself into work. The office is short of staff and suddenly overloaded with work, which explains my lack of inspiration to blog (excuses, excuses, tsk tsk).
I'm checking out True Fitness in Jaya33 later in the evening. Heard there's going to be a pool there, with a yoga studio and a spa area. I'm enticed. I am. I miss Bodycombat and Step. And it's way boring using the eliptical and running around by myself at home. Although I'm one of those klutzes who throws the group's harmony of actions out of sync, I still liked those classes. I liked that my cheeks become pink although I sweat like a pig and look disgusting with matted hair after a workout. And I sort of like the aches I suffer the next day (I grumble and groan but I press the aching place harder like how you'd do an ingrown nail, haha). But actually, most of all, I'm looking forward to a pool nearby. Hopefully it'll be maintained properly. I'll check out the gym and write a review on it later, with its package rates and all if I can.
Now, back to drafting reports. Let's see how long my attention span lasts.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Long one

- Image taken from somewhere off Google Images
- Saves the hassle of typing a neverending entry
- Read between, around, under, over, everywhere : so yes, occasionally I'm not independent enough to do everything for myself, nor be able to ignore everything going around and pretend it doesn't have a connection with me (it's so fun to be cryptic sometimes)
- It's starting to look like a long work year ahead ... and it's already March, gawd ...
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