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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

What I look forward to in 2010

2009 has been a fantastic year so far, and it's gonna be even better because I've got 2 trips coming up in December! :)

So, what should I look forward to in 2010?

  1. Finally getting that "coveted" V alphabet (and a big payrise?)
  2. Celebrating the big 3-0 in July!

Of course, there's also Harry Potter's final movie in November. But that shouldn't count. Don't want to make my list too long.

Suzie's in the hospital because she has a water retention problem. The hubby keeps harping on the fact that I should have gotten a City instead, but I love my Suzie! And love is irrational, yes!

So much work (yah, complaining again). So, hands up, who's not "overworked and underpaid"? (A friend quoted that to me on FB).

Ok, signing off now - my ride's leaving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ME ME! *angkat tangan tinggi tinggi*
