The wonders of technology - having a BBQ grill without the literal huff-and-puff of starting the charcoal fire. A quick flick of your wrist and voila, fire hot enough to grill your burgers, chicken wings, satay sticks, sausages, you name it.
So, 2 days running of BBQ dinner. Luckily, all the work of having to move tables and chairs and tupperwares of food in and out of the house ensured I didn't eat much and digested everything by the time I flopped into bed way past midnight.
This picture on top shows the IBM Team Blue guys giving our new gas barbeque grill its maiden grill. My sis was host for one of their Friday-night bonding sessions (yah, on the night of the Malaysian Idol finals!).

Now, this picture below shows my friends working the grill with the previous night's leftovers.
And then we settled down to watch the results show for Malaysian Idol 2. So amazing that Daniel won it. Shows the power of the people. But I'm glad he won. He sings out of tune, but he dances well and looks cute on stage - total boy-band material, but boy-bands sell, right?
And so, an interesting weekend is over. Another week of work ahead. It's getting depressing thinking about work. And when you start finding it more and more difficult to get up in the morning, something definitely needs to be addressed. But not now.
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