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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

This time

The 1st day of the 8th month in the 6th year of the 21st century. Dramatic leh?

But it is, indeed.

When you grow older, time flies a heckuva lot faster. When I was in school, an entire year seemed to take ages to pass. At that time, I always looked forward to Mondays - the start of the week when I get to spend 5 whole days with friends. These days, Mondays are a drag. Maybe if I started looking forward to Mondays, the year will pass slower?

I'd love to have the power to slow time down. Although being 20+ (haha, that looks young hor?) is a fun period of discovery, it's also the decade when responsibilities begin to bog me down and horror of horrors, I realized that I have little lines in my eyes when I smile! (I'm already resigned to the fact of white hairs).

I cannot begin to imagine what being in my 30's will be like. Not just in the physical sense. I wonder if I can still have a sense of fun (which even now, is often quelled by my strong sense of paranoia). Whether I can upkeep a reasonable level of spontaneity. If I would still be able to listen to hitz.fm without cringing. If I can avoid getting too jaded.

I stuffed my list of resolutions for this year somewhere. Need to search it out and do some self-reflections. But, although I want time to slow, it certainly doesn't mean I want it to stop. I'm actually looking forward to next year, a million trillion things to look forward to. I'm sure next year will be great - just need to ensure that this year passes fruitfully, because I'm sure next year will be a whirl :)

1 comment:

Jay said...

Tried to make years pass slower, but failed. There's a way to make things last longer tho, which is to learn to laugh at yourself. Moments tend to last longer.

I think by 30, your fun will depend if you already have kids. Also depend on how rich you are by then. If no kids, things can be still as spontaneous. If you have lotsa cash, money helps a lot in being spontaneous (though too much may need self security)

Plans for next year ... a little more specific ... ahem ... do I hear bells??