I'm sure there's lots more stuff to be done. But, having only ONE MONTH left to do it, I'd better concentrate on the essentials, mustn't I?
Oh, by the way, I'm not totally out of the Christmas mood. Been playing those jingles non-stop for days (they make the pre-in-laws-visit cleaning chores seem a lot easier). Watched Shrek The Halls (what a 30-minute laugh). Will continue watching a load of other Christmas movies to get in the Christmassy mood. I love Christmas :)
It was not until a family member got admitted and had a minor operation in IJN, that I realized what an exemplary government institution it is.
For civil servants and their family members, I understand that the cost for anything in IJN is free - be it an RM50,000 operation, or monthly medications. For the rest of us, we pay what we can honestly afford and the rest of the cost is foot by the government's special fund. This way, people don't die just because they can't afford surgery. And that's what makes it an exceptionally fantastic government institution! Taxpayers like us then get to see with our own eyes that our tax money is really going somewhere that benefits the people, instead of stuffing up pockets of already fat Datuks.My life in 2008 :
My plan this year is simple : to obtain my professional qualification as a registered valuer and chartered surveyor. No more being queen of the big P.
Which is the reason why I have no holidays planned for 2009 (besides the Hanoi trip in August, which is my 1st anniversary gift to KF). I am a bit sad that I have nothing to look forward to in 2009. But, I know if I persevere and get my goal outta the way by say, mid-2009, I'll be able to then zoom anywhere I want, won't I?
It was really easy to drive there too - only 1 hour 15 minutes (slowpoke driving) from PJ city centre! It's located right next to Glory Beach Resort, and is nearer to Lukut town (which is now really thriving due to Legend) than it is to PD town. It's a pretty well-managed resort.
And the rooms. I only got a chance to look at the premium water chalet, facing the Malacca straits, apparently one of their best rooms. It's made for romantic escapades. Or more like, for couples. The door opens to the open concept bathroom, which pretty much has no doors. The standing shower area has a roof that opens up to the sky (a real rain shower) and a window that looks into the bedroom (or otherwise). It has a jacuzzi tub in the room (a big one). And it has a balcony where you can sit and watch sampans go by, or big ships in the horizon - or more particularly, you can watch the sun set! The rooms also have a sturdy glass panel on the floor that looks down to the sea at the bottom of the chalet - not much to see, as it's mostly just swirling murky water (the Straits has never been known for its azure waters).
What's amazing though, is that there's more to come! They are currently working on Phase 2, of which (okay, wait for this) ...
every single chalet will have its own private plunge pool!
Now there's a first for Malaysia, eh? I'm so looking forward to the completion of the 2nd phase. And for those who have lotsa cash to splash, they still have some units of this 2nd phase left for sale (it's already more than 90% sold and due to complete end of 2009).
PD is now starting to look like a really attractive holiday destination ;)
To sum it up, the facial was actually quite good, most especially for RM58. I came out glowing and I could see my skin was really hydrated and supple. And their moisturizer is excellent, not sticky! Maybe when I'm financial independent, I can get a bottle for myself. So I'd say to everyone, go and get your SKII facials as it's really worth what you pay!
It is scary because everyday the newspapers report our various Ministers proclaiming that our economy is strong, our reserves are huge, etc etc. The recent immediate flip-flop on the "bank guarantee policy" is enough to show that our Oxford-educated Finance Minister does not really know what he's doing.
I hope the government is merely releasing such encouraging statements only because they want us to remain calm, and that behind the curtains, the government is actually taking severe measures to safeguard our country. I hope the government is smarter than they make themselves out to be. I hope this will not be the 50-year Great Depression as the chain mails are making it out to be.
UPDATE 15:41 - Najib has announced today that the government will borrow RM5 billion from EPF to fund government investment agency Valuecap Sdn Bhd which primarily invests in undervalued blue-chip stocks in KLSE.
Why, oh why, are my alarm bells ringing? All our hard-earned money used to play shares in the share market during a period of free-falling markets? Pls, can anyone explain to the economic bozo in me why this RM5 billion will help "boost the economy and protect Malaysia from the effects of global financial turmoil" instead of putting us on a speed-train straight towards it?
And on another note, but still on our favourite protagonist (or is it antagonist?), when asked on whether the government's cost-cutting includes the controversial Eurocopters, he says : "All projects will be reviewed but defence projects are to be assessed differently. We are looking at all projects, not just defence projects. Security projects cannot be measured on the economic yardstick."
The question of WHY begs to be asked. But, we already know the answers don't we. Whose pockets are brimming?